
Competitive Intelligence and Online Privacy, NSA Leaks from Edward Snowden

In preparation for attending the Privacy Identify Innovation conference here in Seattle with peers, my recent conversations have been around the kind of data that Edward Snowden and related NSA leaks stirred up. These conversations live in another dimension almost as spooky as the Twilight Zone. While the NSA is in the center of this […]

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Social Media Analytics and tracking points of market impact

One of the most important aspects of using social media revolves around how people use it. To produce valid social media analytics we first have to define social media: Social media is not a simple or clear cut tool. It is a very basic and adaptable cog that fits into personal and professional needs. If

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Competitive Intelligence and social media security

Last week I had the opportunity to co-present the topic of competitive intelligence, social media security and corporate policy at SecureWorld with Lewis McMurran –  VP of Government and External Affairs at the Washington Technology Industry Association ( @lewismcmurran ) Attendees packed into the room and left standing room only. Unlike my other workshops on

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