Competitive Intelligence and Online Privacy, NSA Leaks from Edward Snowden

In preparation for attending the Privacy Identify Innovation conference here in Seattle with peers, my recent conversations have been around the kind of data that Edward Snowden and related NSA leaks stirred up. These conversations live in another dimension almost as spooky as the Twilight Zone. While the NSA is in the center of this

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Online Competitive Intelligence – Using Twitter to Find Competitor’s Clients

If you want a helpful tip on proving social media ROI and developing a business model with online competitive intelligence, keep reading! This article is going to detail a fundamental insight to using Twitter analysis to create sets of priceless data that can be used for marketing, sales, product development, and future strategy.

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Social Media Analytics and Big Data ROI

eMarketer wrote a brief piece on linking digital data to ‘big data’ that caught my eye with some interesting research from the New York Marketing Association. While I have written hundreds of pages on social media analytics in the past, I’m still troubled by the focus of social media being directed/controlled/managed within the marketing silo.

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