Social Media Analytics and tracking points of market impact

One of the most important aspects of using social media revolves around how people use it. To produce valid social media analytics we first have to define social media: Social media is not a simple or clear cut tool. It is a very basic and adaptable cog that fits into personal and professional needs. If […]

Social Media Analytics and tracking points of market impact Read More »

Why is SEO important?

The real importance of search engine optimization is not about the technicalities of getting it done. The importance of SEO is about tapping into the addressable market potential for a business who knows how to convert sales. The technical requirements and strategies of ranking high in organic listings is not rocket science (then again, I’m

Why is SEO important? Read More »

Social Media Benchmarks, metrics and data that count.

When moving forward with a social media strategy, it is important to understand the value of having social media benchmarks regarding where you are at and where you want to be. If you do not set these benchmarks in the initial stages, you will fail to have accurate and measurable impacts. To accurately capture and

Social Media Benchmarks, metrics and data that count. Read More »