
Barry Hurd is President, author, speaker, and voice of 123 Social Media. As a professional in the online marketing space, Barry has spent over fifteen years working on projects of all shapes and sizes. As an author and prolific blogger, he has reached audiences around the world. Since the mid nineties, Barry has been involved in numerous efforts to bring forth technical innovation through online business models: past projects have included NIKE, REI, TMP Worldwide,, Verizon Superpages, Intuit, and RIS Media.

Online reputation score or credit fiasco?

To open up this conversation, I am going to lead with this statement: The ability to control your information and know how it is created, collected, sold, and profited from is a critical factor in today’s technology marketplace. It plays a very important role for the general audience who do not understand the value of personal information and how it has the ability to define not only who you are today, but also the opportunity that you have access to in the future. *The same basic rules apply to business credit and business reputation, but for purposes of this article we will focus on personal impact.

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CMO, CTO, CISO, CINO? First and foremost: I am a digital accelerator. From startups to internal corporate innovation projects, I work with organizations using data and emerging trends to strategically move the needle. I have served as a Fractional Chief Digital Officer providing insight to dozens of corporate and venture backed organizations (internal divisions, strategic

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The digital world has presented new challenges with the evolution of technology and the cultural adoption new communication. You can see some of the consulting project types I have worked with below. As a business partner: I always recommend the best solution for you, which may or may not be provided by my team depending

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